Evaluación de la actividad de los receptores de membrana para la hormona Luteinizante (LH) y la hormona folículo estimulante (FSH) en testículos de rata adulta Pubblico Deposited
El mecanismo de acción de las gonadotropinas LH y FSH ha sido establecido clhsicamente como mediado a través de la estimulación de la vía de la Adenilato Ciclasa, con un consecuente incremento en los niveles de AMPc, posterior a la primera etapa que depende del sistema de las proteínas G. De acuerdo al modelo general; los nucleótidos cíclicos activan a las proteínas cinasas A, la modificaci6n de la actividad de las enzimas modificadas por fosforilaci6n resulta en una respuesta celular especifica. Reciente informacibn con respecto a las modificaciones intracelulares de las concentraciones de calcio y la activacibn de proteínas cinasas no dependientes de AMPc se ha reportado en correlación a la actividad estimulatoria de las gonadotropinas, todos estos datos suponen vías alternativas o aditivas en la transduccidn de las senales evocadas por las gonadotropinas, senales que m& que de amplificaci6n de las senales, podrían ser de modulacibn o ser una alternativa a la vía principal de la respuesta de las cklulas blanco. Existen varias evidencias dadas por diversos grupos de trabajo que indican la presencia de factores de naturaleza proteica que son secretados por las cklulas de Sertoli y que regulan la produccibn de testosterona de las cklulas de Leydig; dichos factores pudieran estar modulando la respuesta final en varios pasos que preceden a la respuesta de la producción de testosterona; pudiendo modificar la transducci6n de la sena1 dada por otro u otros factores y el equilibrio de los segundos mensajeros intracelulares. En el caso de las celulas testiculares, se muestran en este trabajo resultados que indican que existe la activación de mas de una vía en la transducción de la señal para la LH y FSH.
The gonadotropins LH and FSH mechanism of action has been established addressed to a membrane adenylate cyclase stimulation, with a consequent increase of cAMP levels; this first stimulation step is mediated by the G protein system. According with the general model, the cyclic nucleotide activates the protein kinase A with a phosphoryl activation-deactivation of enzymes, that result in the specific cellular response. Recent information related to the modification of the intracellular calcium concentrations and the activation of the CAMPindependent protein kinases as second messengers, was reported in correlation with the gonadotropins stimulatory activity; all this data imply an alternative or additive transductional information related to the gonadotropins actions. There are also evidences concerning the Sertoli cells (SC) role in the funcional regulation of the Leydig cells (LC), in which this relationship is established through biochemical interactions mediated by substances of diverse nature, as it has been shown by the presence of protein steroidogenic modulator factors in the conditioned media of primary SC cultures. The main purpose of the project is to explore the trasductional response of the testicular cells to the presence of gonadotropins, both, through the classical and the alternative routes, as the first step of an evaluating pathway for the mechanism of action of the protein steroidogenic modulator factor, considering the possibility of interactions with different transductional pathways, due to the multiple factor functional response capacity of the compartimental cell. The approach to reach these objectives needs the use of special reagents and techniques: to evaluate the adenylate cyclase activity it is necessary the use of Forskolin and the cholera and Perfussis toxins, with the quantification of cAMP as second messenger. The activity of the phospholipase C will be evidenced by the measurement of the inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate (IP3); as the effect of this second messenger is directly related to the calcium intracellular levels, it is important to determine the intracellular concentration of this ion. The evaluation of the protein kinases activities will be performed by the electrophoretic isolation of the phosphorylated proteins after the transference of the radioactive phosphate label from ATP. The protein kinase C role will be evaluated by the phorbol myristate role as an activator, The sterodogenic response of the correlative cellular lineages will be measured by specific radioimmunoassays.
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