Along 10 months (October 2013-July 2014) the stomach content of 59 Peromyscus difficilis specimens was examined. Samples were collected in an Oyamel and broadleaved trees forest called “Paraje San Borja” which is part of Mexico City’s National Park "Desierto de los Leones" (PNDL). The sampling allowed evaluating three pluvial seasons...
Introduction: the immune diseases (ID) are pathologies where the immune system homeostasis is deregulated, leading to clinical manifestations as hyperresponsiveness to allergen, chronic inflammation, even autoimmune response. Example of these are asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). For its etiology, they are multifactorial diseases in which...
A wide variety of industrial wastewaters may contain very high concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur compounds. These effluents without treatment cause massive discharges of ammonium and sulfide causing pollution and eutrophication. The biological treatment by nitrification is widely used for removing ammonium from wastewaters; however, information on the inhibitory effect...
Se analiza la distribución ecológica de dos ratones silvestres del Género Peromyscus (micromamíferos) en un cuadrante de 55x45 m dentro de un bosque templado de coníferas y latifoliadas en el Parque Nacional Desierto de los Leones (PNDL). El cuadrante quedó integrado por 120 estaciones de muestreo con un área de...
The food packaging technology is constantly evolving in response to changes that exist in modern society, these changes focus to consumer tastes, increasing the life of food, food safety and healthy food, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of an antimicrobial coating based on whey protein...
El proyecto se estructuró en dos fases, en la primera fase se evaluó el efecto combinado de agentes antimicrobianos (bacteriocina producida por Enterococcus faecalis MXVK22, sorbato de potasio, lactato de sodio y nitrito de sodio) sobre la vida de anaquel de carne de ovino empleando Escherichia Coli JMP 101como microorganismo...
La desnutrición calórico proteica (DCP) es un estado patológico caracterizado por la falta de aporte adecuado de nutrimentos acordes con las necesidades biológicas del organismo. Existen referencias alrededor de la relación desnutrición y daño al ADN. Son diversos los elementos capaces de inducir daño al material genético: estilo de vida,...