Children malnutrition is considered a severe public health problem, so much so that in 1956 the first classification was created to establish the different degrees of malnutrition. In the 1960s, studies were begun on the antioxidant defense systems and the concentration of micronutrients in malnourished children at a systemic level...
La rigidez arterial y las respuestas homeostáticas que mantienen el equilibrio de la presión arterial media son determinantes en la predisposición a las enfermedades cardiovasculares. El punto Estómago 36 (E36) tiene efectos que modifican la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo e influye de manera importante en variables cardiovasculares. Índices obtenidos...
Ex situ seed banks and soil seed banks (in situ) are fundamental for the maintenance and regeneration of plant populations and the study of these is basic to propose conservation strategies and ecological studies. In species of cacti, particularly in Escontria chiotilla and Stenocereus pruinosus there is a lack of...
Stenocereus pruinosus es una cactácea columnar que se distribuye en las zonas áridas de la Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña y presenta frutos que son comestibles, los cuáles se producen en el mes de mayo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar y contrastar el porcentaje de aréolas germinales que alcanzan el estado...
In the first part of this thesis, the behavior of intrinsic reactivity parameters for a representative sample of first row transition metal cations is studied under spherical con- finement conditions by solving numerically the non-relativistic spin polarized Kohn-Sham equations for atoms. It was determined that, in contrast with neutral atoms,...
The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to identify the factors that determine patterns of diffusion of the new nanotechnology paradigm across industrialized and emerging countries. We set out as hypothesis that the greater probability of diffusion and speed of this new technological paradigm is associated with R&D investments,...
Leadership is one of the most promising phenomena in the organizational space, producing a wealth of research, studies and definitions that significantly recognize its effect on a company's organizational performance regardless of its size. The present research aims to know the phenomenon of leadership that develops within a microorganization based...