Se presenta un trabajo de investigación sobre los copépodos pláncticos de la Bahía de La Ventosa, Oaxaca, México, efectuado entre julio de 1987 y abril de 1993. En la colecta de zooplancton se utilizó una red de nylon tipo Hensen. El comportamiento de la temperatura y salinidad en la zona...
Organic agriculture is based on the optimal use of natural resources, which helps to increase in a natural way the biological activity of soil, without using chemical compounds that can alter the soil, crops and aquifers. Some macroalgae have been used with excellent results as soil conditioners and biostimulants in...
The genus Reithrodontomys consists of a group of rodents characterized by a high genetic and chromosomal variability. This genus consists of two subgenera: Aporodon, whose species have highly conservative karyotypes, and Reithrodontomys which, on the contrary, shows a marked chromosomal variability suggesting that a process of megakaryotipic evolution is taking...
Knowledge on the genetic reservoir of the biodiversity allows the adequate management and exploitation of the natural resources, thus the availability of genetic data base is an important aid for the identification and/or determination of the status of natural populations. The present study presents the analyses of members of the...
En esta investigación se estudió la dinámica anual del embolismo anatómico y el fisiológico, el estatus hídrico, el ángulo de plegamiento foliar y del gradiente de presiones del continuo suelo-planta-atmósfera en individuos adultos de Alvaradoa amorphoides Liebm. (Picramniaceae), localizados en una selva baja caducifolia, en la localidad de Valle de...
Nematodes life-cycle consists of four larval stages (L1, L2, L3, and L4) and a fifth, adult stage (L5). During this development four molt processes occur. Nevertheless, it seems that this feature is not shared by all nematodes. To date, three larval stages and the adult stage are known for the...
"La Cienega Grande de Xochimilco" is part of the Ecological preservation zone “Ejidos de Xochimilco y San Gregorio Atlapulco”. It’s considered as a regulation lagoon for flood control. It’s an important area for birds associated to aquatic environments, but there are no actions for wildlife conservation. Education is one of...
La distribución no aleatoria de estructuras reproductivas es un factor importante en el éxito de la producción de frutos y semillas en cactáceas, pues puede determinar condiciones microambientales favorables para el desarrollo y crecimiento de los botones, flores y frutos. Pachycereus weberi es un cacto columnar arborescente gigante, endémica de...
Alvaradoa amorphoides belongs to Picramniaceae, previously placed in Simaroubaceae Family. This specie is very common in healthy and disturbed dry forests. It is very well distributed from South to Center of Mexico; although it is notable to be found at States of Chihuahua and Sinaloa. The present study deals with...
In the present study a determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s) in sediments and molluscs (Crassostrea virginica, C. rhizophorae and Brachidontes exustus) was made from La Grande-La Chica lagoon system, Veracruz State, Mexico by gas chromatography with capillary column and its correlation with organic carbon content (OC) and texture of...