In most mammals, male sexual behavior (MSB) is regulated by gonadal hormones and the participation of various neurotransmision systems. Experimental evidence has allowed to establish that noradrenergic, smtwergic, dopaminergic and wlinergic systems play an important role in the control of male sexual behavior expression. Homer, studies about the participation of...
Se estudió la influencia del oxígeno disuelto y la temperatura de crecimiento en la síntesis de endo-poligalacturonasa producida por Kluyverornyces marxianus, encontrándose que a 3.3 mg de O.D. / I. la producción de endo-poligalacturonasa se reprimió y además, que la temperatura no ejerció ningún efecto sobre la síntesis de dicha...
Introduction: Glycine, an amino acid non-essential and simple structure consisting of a hydrogen as a side chain (Lynch, 2004); it has shown to be protective against cell injury, providing cytoprotection (Zhong et al., 2003). Likewise, it partnered with the blocking of the systemic inflammatory process that originates in a variety...