The specific characteristics of biological analysis of each Artemia population allows the evaluation, from the evolutionary point of view, the range of particular habitat answers of one strain to an specific environment, like the morphometric differentiation and isolation reproduction. In this work seven Artemia franciscana strains were morphometric and reproductive...
This study is focused on the population dynamics, home range (HR), distribution (D), and seeds of plant species used (SPU) by Heteromys gaumeri in two grids with different levels of disturbance on the semideciduos tropical forest of Hobonil, Tzucacab, Yucatan. I worked in two grids of 2.5 ha, using 81...
En este trabajo apliqué las técnicas de Teoría de Control y de la teoría cualitativa de ecuaciones diferenciales a modelos matemáticos con cosecha que describen la interacción de dos poblaciones: una presa y un depredador. Un ingrediente importante que incluí son las llamadas respuestas funcionales de Holling, tipo II y...