The Huatulco Bays have a great variety of environments and habitats, and there are organisms, which have been few studied. In this respect, they are few studies on the community of fish that inhabit these subsystems. In the present study, the composition, diversity, distribution and abundance of fishes were evaluated...
The patterns of distribution of twenty-seven species of pteridophytes were studied, as possible indicators of environment deterioration in the temperate forest of San Jeronimo Amanalco, Texcoco, Mexico State. The presence and abundance of Pteridophyta was related with edaphic, topographic and vegetation variables at 100 sampling sites in an area of...
The foraging patterns of Pogonomyrmex barbatus were studied under conditions of high and low plant cover and diversity. Results showed that the trophic niche breadth is influenced by a relationship between abundance and diversity of available resources in the habitat. The highest observed niche breadth is not necessarily correlated with...
Los dinoflagelados son productores y consumidores primarios, que cuentan con el mayor número de especies productoras de toxinas y con potencial nocivo, ocasionando Florecimientos Algales Nocivos (FAN) debido a su reproducción acelerada cuando las condiciones ambientales no son favorables. En la laguna de Términos el estudio de los dinoflagelados es...
The association of the Green Lynx spider, Peucetia viridans (Hentz: Oxyopidae), with Croton ciliatoglanduliferus (Ortega: Euphorbiaceae), or dominguilla as it is locally known, was analyzed in a tropical dry forest of Jalisco, in Western Mexico in 2004 and 2005. The ecological system involving the plant, its pollinators-herbivores and the Green...
El actual conocimiento de la distribución y abundancia del grupo de peces pertenecientes a la familia Lutjanidae, conocidos como pargos, en diversos cuerpos acuáticos parece ser incompleto. Entre los cuerpos acuáticos en que habitan los pargos están las lagunas costeras, ecosistemas que utilizan para la crianza y el reabastecimiento de...
Spea multiplicata is a burrowing frog tolerant to the anthropogenic disturbances and common in urban areas. This species occurs from the south of USA to the center of Oaxaca, Mexico. This frog is opportunistic, locally abundant and use temporary ponds to lay eggs and larval development. Many local population are...