lomoea purpurea es una arvense que causa serios daños a cultivos básicos en M&co. Se ha demostrado que la invasión de esta maleza causa bajas en el rendimiento de hasta un 33% en maíz y frijol. Se ha establecido que las ventajas adaptativas presentes en esta semilla, se deben a...
Discharges of nitrogen into the wastewaters, which is generally ammonium, has been removed through a two step sequential process: autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification. As a first step ammonium is converted to nitrate under aerobic conditions (nitrification). In a second step nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas (denitrification). At the...
En la actualidad nuestro planeta atraviesa por una severa crisis ambiental, principalmente atribuida a las actividades humanas, que amenazan y que han provocado pérdidas en la biodiversidad. Desde la antigüedad, las sociedades humanas aprendieron a transformar su entorno inmediato para su beneficio, este fenómeno de transformación ha ido incrementando de...
Entomopathogenic fungi produce various enzymes during the process of pathogenesis, including proteases and chitinases, as well as allowing hydrophobins its adherence to the host, which has been reported that extrinsic factors affecting its production (St. Leger et al, 1986 y 1998 ). However, there are not studies about their production...