The fruits of the Stenocereus pruinosus and Stenocereus stellatus genders offer an agricultural option to the people of this region. They are popularly know by the name of “sweet xoconostle” and “may pitaya” and outside their production region they are considered as exotic. This in Puebla and Oaxaca, its high...
The Pitaya is a traditional resource of great economic importance in the Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña. The pitayas is inside the native fruits of our country that have generated an increase in the economic entrance in the farmer in some areas and they have increased the consumer's acceptance. However there are...
Escontria chiotilla (Weber) Rose es una cactácea cuyos frutos comestibles son consumidos localmente en algunas regiones áridas de México. E. chiotilla se caracteriza por la presencia de brácteas en el pericarpelo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer las características histológicas que permitan identificar el estado fisiológico óptimo para efectuar...
The pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) and sweet xoconostle (Stenocereus stellatus) are endemic fruits of Mexico with local distribution, due to their perishability and microbial decay. Therefore the objective of this work was the evaluation of biopolymer coatings for extending postharvest life and microbial inhibition. Chitosan (Q) was obtained by thermochemical heterogeneous...
Stenocereus pruinosus es una cactácea columnar que se distribuye en las zonas áridas de la Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña y presenta frutos que son comestibles, los cuáles se producen en el mes de mayo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar y contrastar el porcentaje de aréolas germinales que alcanzan el estado...