Methane, a greenhouse gas, is produced from the activity of methanogenic archaea under anaerobic conditions. Methanogenic activity is dominant in freshwater sediments; however, in estuarine sediments and brackish wetlands, the production and emission of methane has also been determined. Studies on methane emissions in tropical brackish environments have been carried...
Se evaluó la concentración de Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos (HAP) prioritarios en sedimentos de la Laguna de Términos en tres épocas climáticas: nortes (noviembre de 2008), secas (marzo de 2009) y lluvias (octubre de 2009). Los sedimentos fueron procesados siguiendo el método propuesto por la (UNEP/IOC/IAEA (1992) y analizados por medio...
La orina humana contiene alrededor del 2% de urea, la cual es hidrolizada por la enzima ureasa; produciendo amonio e incrementando el pH a valores superiores a 9. En este trabajo se aislaron y caracterizaron cultivos puros y mixtos de tres diferentes fuentes de inóculo, de acuerdo a su capacidad...
In this work the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of urban solid waste (OFUSW) was studied in two stages: in the first stage, the hydrolysis and acidogenesis in anaerobic hydrolytic leach bed (AHLB) reactor in batch and continuous to evaluate the effect of the rate runoff and inoculation; in...
The coastal lagoons are characterized by the mixture of fresh and salty water, causing these systems to be extremely dynamic, thus generating a very particular ecological behavior. The bacteria present in the sediments of this ecosystems have a critical role in its functioning, such as the recycling of organic matter,...
Spea multiplicata is a burrowing frog tolerant to the anthropogenic disturbances and common in urban areas. This species occurs from the south of USA to the center of Oaxaca, Mexico. This frog is opportunistic, locally abundant and use temporary ponds to lay eggs and larval development. Many local population are...