The patterns of distribution of twenty-seven species of pteridophytes were studied, as possible indicators of environment deterioration in the temperate forest of San Jeronimo Amanalco, Texcoco, Mexico State. The presence and abundance of Pteridophyta was related with edaphic, topographic and vegetation variables at 100 sampling sites in an area of...
A través de seis ciclos bimestrales de 24-h, se analizaron los patrones nictímeros y estacionales en la abundancia total (número y peso) y los cambios en la composición de especies (incluyendo riqueza, diversidad, equidad y dominancia de especies) de la comunidad de peces en la laguna de Pueblo Viejo, Veracruz,...
Los estudios de comportamiento de las especies nos proporcionan información valiosa acerca de los requerimientos alimenticios de cada individuo y su selección de hábitat. La familia Tyrannidae es exclusiva del continente americano y se encuentra ampliamente distribuida. Todos los miembros de este grupo se caracterizan por utilizar la caza aérea...
In this work we carry out the monitoring of a neotropical cave dwelling bat community during fifteen consecutive months, with the aim to identifying if the composition, structure and diversity of the community, as well the coexistence between the species that compose it, are determined by the conservation of the...
Riparian ecosystems are the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite its relevance, the riparian vegetation of these ecological systems is threatened, since it is being displaced by agricultural, industrial and human settlement activities. The objective of this work was to compare the avifauna between sites that belong to different...
En este estudio se realizó un análisis de las pautas conductuales del carpintero Melanerpes uropygialis (Picidae) y del mosquero Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae) en un mosaico vegetal complejo del estado de Jalisco, México. Las observaciones se realizaron durante el otoño de 2005 y la primavera de 2006. Con el fin de...
The association of the Green Lynx spider, Peucetia viridans (Hentz: Oxyopidae), with Croton ciliatoglanduliferus (Ortega: Euphorbiaceae), or dominguilla as it is locally known, was analyzed in a tropical dry forest of Jalisco, in Western Mexico in 2004 and 2005. The ecological system involving the plant, its pollinators-herbivores and the Green...
In the previous results of the master, we obtained richness, diversity, abundance of the bird community and the preferences of foraging guilds in 12 parks of Mexico City during 2008, using 30m fixed-radius circular point counts. We determined the trees’ richness, as well as tree-cover and leaf layers diversity. Because...
Se determinaron los niveles de susceptibilidad de Varroa destructor a cuatro plaguicidas: flumetrina, fluvalinato, amitraz y coumafós bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Las varroas colectadas para este estudio procedieron de tres regiones apícolas: Tejería, Veracruz, región Golfo ruta de trashumancia 1; Texcoco, México, región Centro-Altiplano ruta de trashumancia 1; Cd. Valles,...
"La Cienega Grande de Xochimilco" is part of the Ecological preservation zone “Ejidos de Xochimilco y San Gregorio Atlapulco”. It’s considered as a regulation lagoon for flood control. It’s an important area for birds associated to aquatic environments, but there are no actions for wildlife conservation. Education is one of...