Biological connectivity includes two components: the structure of the landscape and the perspective of the organisms towards it. Structural connectivity refers to each element in a particular landscape with an uninterrupted spatial configuration. Functional connectivity refers to how much the landscape allows the displacement of organisms, i.e., whether the landscape...
El proyecto de tesis abarca dos capítulos, en el primero se analizan los patrones de riqueza y de endemismo de serpientes utilizando diferentes escalas espaciales en dos provincias biogeográficas de México, la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana y la Cuenca del Balsas. Se encontró que solamente en escalas espaciales amplias (cuadrantes de...
The genera Picea (Pinaceae) and Juniperus (Cupressaceae) are part of the main coniferous forests in Mexico. For the first, three endemic species are reported, which are located only in the north of the country. For the second genus, 20 species are reported, widely distributed in Mexico, nine of them endemic...
El cambio climático puede generar efectos negativos sobre la distribución geográfica de los anfibios, los cuales son un grupo muy susceptible a variaciones detemperatura y humedad además de ser estenoicasy con poca vagilidad. México ocupa el quinto lugar de riqueza de anfibios, siendo más de la mitad de las especies...
The dynamics of a landscape is the result of the interactions between biophysical and socio-economic factors. Currently, it is recognized that human activities have become the main cause of changes in the landscape, modifying its structure and functioning. The objective of this study was to analyze the dynamics of the...
Currently, climate change has been pointed out as one of the most important threats to wild and cultivated plant species. Due to the close relationship between climate and species, it has been changes in the distribution, phenology and in the biotic interactions in both terrestrial and marine plant species. Since...
Las selvas tropicales son los ecosistemas más dinámicos y complejos de la naturaleza, su importancia radica en contener la mayor diversidad genética y biológica de todas las comunidades terrestres y en proporcionar una gran variedad de servicios ambientales. Entre las formas de vida vegetales que alberga, se reconoce a los...