The fruits of the Stenocereus pruinosus and Stenocereus stellatus genders offer an agricultural option to the people of this region. They are popularly know by the name of “sweet xoconostle” and “may pitaya” and outside their production region they are considered as exotic. This in Puebla and Oaxaca, its high...
Los estudios de la individualidad en especies animales no humanas se han ido desarrollando cada vez más desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en el caso de los canidos la mayoría de las investigaciones se han realizado en los perros (Canis familiaris), pero en otras especies del género como...
Riparian ecosystems are the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite its relevance, the riparian vegetation of these ecological systems is threatened, since it is being displaced by agricultural, industrial and human settlement activities. The objective of this work was to compare the avifauna between sites that belong to different...
The Pitaya is a traditional resource of great economic importance in the Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña. The pitayas is inside the native fruits of our country that have generated an increase in the economic entrance in the farmer in some areas and they have increased the consumer's acceptance. However there are...
In early 1900 the populations of Mexican Wolf began the decline of their populations. Their drastic decline was due to indiscriminate hunting to which were subjected by farmers. By mid-l900 Arizona, New Mexico and Texas will be free of wolves. In the early 1980s created a joint interest by governments...
In order to face the biodiversity crisis experienced by the world it is required to create new alternatives for conservation and sustainable use of resources. Avoid species extinction is one of the most important challenge for the humanity during the new century. To preserve those species which are vanishing or...
En este estudio se realizó un análisis de las pautas conductuales del carpintero Melanerpes uropygialis (Picidae) y del mosquero Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae) en un mosaico vegetal complejo del estado de Jalisco, México. Las observaciones se realizaron durante el otoño de 2005 y la primavera de 2006. Con el fin de...
Las atmósferas controladas (AC) consisten en proporcionar a los productos hortofrutícolas una mezcla específica y precisamente controlada de gases en su ambiente de almacenamiento, el cual difiere de la composición de aire de la atmósfera normal. Las atmósferas modificadas difieren de las primeras en que el ambiente de almacenamiento no...
Debido al impacto de las actividades humanas sobre los ecosistemas naturales, existe una pérdida masiva de especies silvestres, la fragmentación del hábitat es una de las principales amenazas a la biodiversidad. Uno de los grupos más sensibles han sido los mamíferos, entre ellos las especies del Orden Carnivora donde encontramos...
Indirect methods were used to obtain behavior indicator in a mesopredator community in a semiarid and semiperturbed zone in Santo Tomás Otlaltepec, Puebla. With camera-traps the presence and activity hours of nine mesopredators were registered, finding that they have preference for nocturne activity. The fresh feces of this species were...