Marcelín Leyva, Clara Luz
删除限定条件 创造者: Marcelín Leyva, Clara Luz
删除限定条件 关键词: Streptomyces
描述: | Genome reduction is a strategy that aims to improve the efficency of heterologous expression. Non-essential gene clusters from the secondary metabolism in S. lividans TK24, a common expression system, were deleted. The effect of this deletion on the expression and secretion for both native and heterologous proteins was not studied... |
学科: | Biotecnología and Biotechnology |
创造者: | Marcelín Leyva, Clara Luz |
贡献者: | Mejía Álvarez, Armando, Figueroa Martínez, Francisco Javier, Carrasco Navarro, Ulises, Economou, Tassos, Barrios González, Javier, and Loera Corral, Octavio |
出版者: | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Posgrado: | Maestria en Biotecnologia |
语言: | eng |
Año de publicación: | 2019 |
权: | Acceso Abierto |
执照: | Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) |
Tipo de Recurso: | info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis |
识别码: | https://doi.org/10.24275/uami.bv73c043w |