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Jiménez Morales, Irma Leticia
Entfernen Zwang Contributor sim: Jiménez Morales, Irma Leticia
Entfernen Zwang Fach: Ratas
Beschreibung: | Stress isa physiologicalreactionofthebodywhich allows coping witha situation thatis perceived as threatening.The intensity and durationof the stressorare important determinantsin the responseof theorganism, so that prolonged exposureto a stressormay result insomepathology. Theintrauterine environmenton fetusmayalsoinfluence susceptibilityto neurological, metabolic or endocrine diseasesin adulthood. Prenatalstresshas been linked toearlyprogramming ofbrain function,because it causespermanent changesonsome reproductivepatternsof offspringin... |
Fach: | Oxidative stress, Sexual behavior in animals, Estrés oxidativo, Rats -- Reproduction, Ratas, Conducta sexual en los animales, Generative organs -- Diseases, and Organos reproductores |
Schöpfer: | García Vargas, Dulce Diana |
Mitwirkender: | Portillo Martínez, Wendy, Retana Márquez, María del Socorro Imelda, Jiménez Morales, Irma Leticia, Herrera Barragán, José Antonio, and Arenas Ríos, Edith |
Herausgeber: | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Posgrado: | Maestria en Biologia de la Reproduccion Animal |
Sprache: | spa |
Año de publicación: | 2014 |
Rechte: | Acceso Abierto |
Lizenz: | Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) |
Tipo de Recurso: | info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis |
Identifikator: | |