In patients in intensive care unit, with heart failure or hypovolemia, ischemia occurs in the gastric mucosa, which generates cellular damage and inflammation. When reperfusion occurs, the damage is exacerbated and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) is generated, which can cause damage to other organs such as kidney, liver, brain,...
Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus is increased by spatial learning and postnatal stimulation. Conversely, prenatal stress (PS) produces a decrease in the proliferation of hippocampal granular cells. This work evaluated the effect of postnatal tactile stimulation (PTS), when applied from birth to adulthood (3 months old),...
Alterations in the immune-neuroendocrine system contribute to the development of autoimmunity. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease, characterized by defects in the immune response. SLE affects females in the reproductive stage, so that it is related to hormones, as prolactin (PRL). Increased levels of serum PRL have...
Reactive oxygen species are the most reactive molecules that, among other characteristics, have different half-lives, cellular concentrations, and reaction targets. They are present in different compartments and react with different gradients of molecules in the cell. In particular, proteins can react with almost all oxygen radicals present in the cell,...
El envejecimiento es un proceso complejo y deletéreo que afecta a todos los órganos y sistemas de los organismos. El sistema nervioso se ve morfológica y funcionalmente afectado durante el envejecimiento normal y algunos de los marcadores de envejecimiento, como el estrés oxidante, la inflamación y la senescencia, se han...
Las células multipotentes son un tipo importante de células troncales, las cuales tienen la capacidad de autorrenovar su población indiferenciada al dividirse y su progenie se diferencia en múltiples tipos de células en un tipo de tejido u órgano especifico. En particular, las células precursoras neuronales (NPCs) del epitelio olfatorio...
Meduloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor developed during childhood and it accounts for 20% of total pediatric brain tumors. It is originated in the cerebellum, but it can invade other central nervous system regions. Besides tumoral cells, medulloblastoma is also composed by many groups of heterogeneous transformed cells....
Prenatal stress causes spatial learning and memory deficits at any stage of postnatal life by modifying hippocampal function. Serotonergic and noradrenergic axon terminals, involved in cognitive processes, are present the hippocampus. Despite studies about the participation of both neurochemical systems in cognitive processes, it is currently unknown whether prenatal stress...
La respuesta del organismo ante un estresor se manifiesta mediante la activación del sistema simpático-adrenomedular y del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-adrenal, que se traduce en un aumento en la liberación de adrenalina y glucocorticoides. La exposición crónica a estos mediadores produce una respuesta que altera el metabolismo celular de lípidos, proteínas y...
Introducción: En la fisiopatología de la esquizofrenia, se han sugerido factores genéticos asociados a la etiología de esta enfermedad y a la respuesta farmacológica, entre los que destacan genes de la vía de la respuesta inmune innata como TLR1, TLR2 y TLR6. Estos genes han mostrado alteraciones en su expresión...