The patterns of distribution of twenty-seven species of pteridophytes were studied, as possible indicators of environment deterioration in the temperate forest of San Jeronimo Amanalco, Texcoco, Mexico State. The presence and abundance of Pteridophyta was related with edaphic, topographic and vegetation variables at 100 sampling sites in an area of...
This work shows a study on dominance, phenology, germination, seedling morphology, soil seed bank and plant community interactions in relation to four species of Mimosa: Mimosa depauperata, M. lacerata, M. similis y M. texana var. texana. They grow in the semi-arid zone of the Central State of Queretaro, know as...
Ferns and lycophytes have different reproductive strategies that enable them to invade disturbed habitats and areas without vegetation. In this work, the presence, abundance and reproductive strategies of ferns that grow in soils of temperate forests in the Sierra Nevada, State of Mexico were studied. Four areas were chosen, in...
Las semillas de las variedades poliembriónicas de mango (Mangifera indica L.) pueden contener o no un embrión cigótico y el resto son derivados de la nucela. Teóricamente, los embriones nucelares son más vigorosos y genéticamente idénticos a la planta madre, lo que permite la propagación de clones que se usan...
Ex situ seed banks and soil seed banks (in situ) are fundamental for the maintenance and regeneration of plant populations and the study of these is basic to propose conservation strategies and ecological studies. In species of cacti, particularly in Escontria chiotilla and Stenocereus pruinosus there is a lack of...