Nowadays an environmental problem is the contamination of the water that is given by the limitless population growth, an intensive agricultural practice and a high industrial activity. A feasible proposal for the treatment of the wastewater that contain nitrogen in nitrate form and organic matter of different kinds is the...
The discharges of wastewaters coming from the Petrochemical Industry have great relevance world wide, due to the presence of aromatic compounds, ammonium and high concentrations of sulfide mainly, which have an adverse impact in natural ecosystems and public health. Therefore the necessity to find biological systems that remove from residual...
Los alquil fenol polietoxilatos (AFEOn) son compuestos xenobióticos con propiedades tenso-activas. En las aguas residuales industriales y domésticas los AFEOn se encuentran regularmente a 300 mgL-1. Se ha reportado que los AFEOn tienen un efecto estrogénico en diversos organismos superiores. Los AFEOn no han sido mineralizados por tratamientos aerobios convencionales...
Mexico City and the metropolitan area is in a state of crisis regarding the management and availability of water resources, which has led to a growing shortage in several regions. One of the alternatives with the greatest impact to remedy this situation is the installation of wastewater treatment systems, which...
En el acuífero somero de Matehuala se han reportado concentraciones de arsénico (As) que rebasan los límites máximos permisibles establecidos en las normas oficiales mexicanas: 0.2 mg/L en agua para riego (NOM-001-SEMARNATH-1996) y 0.025 mg/L de As en agua para uso y consumo humano (NOM-127-SSA-). Debido a que la contaminación...