La senescencia celular (SC) es un fenómeno en el que las células detienen su proliferación después de un número limitado de duplicaciones o como respuesta ante el estrés. En la SC hay cambios en la expresión génica, nula respuesta ante estímulos apoptóticos o mitogénicos, y el desarrollo de un secretoma...
Cellular senescence (SC) is a biological phenomenon that occurs in response to damage and has been linked to different biological and pathological processes. Much of the knowledge of cellular senescence has been described in fibroblasts; however, this is not the only cell type in which senescence occurs. The establishment of...
Breast cancer is one of the most common neoplasia in the world and is the leading cause of cancer death in women in Mexico. Its high mortality is due mainly to its great metastatic capacity, which is associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). During this process, a decrease in the expression...