Escobar Sánchez, María Luisa
删除限定条件 Jurado: Escobar Sánchez, María Luisa
删除限定条件 关键词: Ovocitos
描述: | Malathion is one of the most commonly used insecticides, recent findings have demonstrated that it induces oxidative stress in somatic cells, but there are not enough studies demonstrating this effect in germ cells. Malathion impairs porcine oocyte viability and maturation, but studies have not shown how oxidative stress affects maturation... |
学科: | Fertilización in vitro, Fertilization in vitro, Swine -- Reproduction, and Cerdos -- Reproducción |
创造者: | Flores Martínez, Diana Lisbeth |
贡献者: | Escobar Sánchez, María Luisa, Casas Hernández, Eduardo, Gutiérrez Ruíz, María Concepción, Betancourt Rule, José Miguel, Ducolomb Ramírez, Yvonne Claudine, and Souza Arroyo, Verónica |
出版者: | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
Posgrado: | Doctorado en Biologia Experimental |
语言: | spa |
Año de publicación: | 2017 |
权: | Acceso Abierto |
执照: | Atribucion-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) |
Tipo de Recurso: | info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis |
识别码: | https://doi.org/10.24275/uami.js956f80d |