The Huatulco Bays have a great variety of environments and habitats, and there are organisms, which have been few studied. In this respect, they are few studies on the community of fish that inhabit these subsystems. In the present study, the composition, diversity, distribution and abundance of fishes were evaluated...
En los últimos años, los análisis morfométricos han sido foco de interés dentro de la ficología marina debido a que han permitido, mediante la evaluación objetiva y estadísticamente sólida de la variabilidad morfológica, la delimitación de especies dentro de complejos crípticos, problema muy frecuente dentro de esta área de estudio....
The Pitaya is a traditional resource of great economic importance in the Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña. The pitayas is inside the native fruits of our country that have generated an increase in the economic entrance in the farmer in some areas and they have increased the consumer's acceptance. However there are...
En este estudio se realizó un análisis de las pautas conductuales del carpintero Melanerpes uropygialis (Picidae) y del mosquero Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae) en un mosaico vegetal complejo del estado de Jalisco, México. Las observaciones se realizaron durante el otoño de 2005 y la primavera de 2006. Con el fin de...
Dispersal is a main component if plant populations and community invasiveness. Feasibility of propagles to reach safe sites for establishment depends on dispersal. Besides, it allows species persistence in low-density patches, habitat recolonization, and it promotes genetic and species diversity in metacommunities. In this dissertation I present species and local...
Despite the vast amount of information available on the effects of gonadal hormones on the regulation of reproductive behavior, especially in rodents, and the many studies that have been designed to assess the levels of Testosterone in plasma and correlate them with various reproductive processes, no studies have yet attempted...
The genus Reithrodontomys consists of a group of rodents characterized by a high genetic and chromosomal variability. This genus consists of two subgenera: Aporodon, whose species have highly conservative karyotypes, and Reithrodontomys which, on the contrary, shows a marked chromosomal variability suggesting that a process of megakaryotipic evolution is taking...
The morphometric study is a tool for delimitation of species, however in Dinoflagellates is complicated and demand a big labour under microscopy. Works previous about Ornithocercus and Prorocentrum genus, both they are part of the “Biología y Filogenia Molecular de Dinoflagelados del Pacifico Mexicano” proyect, who is funded by the...