La diabetes mellitus (DM) es un síndrome provocado por la falla en la secreción y/o acción de la insulina que lleva a hiperglucemia y otros trastornos metabólicos. Actualmente, la DM representa uno de los problemas más importantes de la Medicina y es la tercera causa de muerte, después de las...
In the present thesis the connection between the abnormalities of the brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) waves and the hearing decline in generalized epilepsy has been stablished by testing the effects of the convulsing agents, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), on the hearing threshold and the amplitudes and latencies...
Present asthma research is focused on chronic inflammation and remodelling of airways. Leukotrienes take part in the remodelling process due to their direct effects on smooth muscle cells, eosinophils, epithelial cells, and other cell types. Leukotriene antagonists constitute a totally novel focus for processing inflammation by selective inhibition leukotriene effects....
Las prostaglandinas (PGs) son potentes reguladores del metabolismo óseo, se conoce que las de la serie E son activadoras efectivas de la resorción ósea. Se ha demostrado que las PGs E tienen efectos anabólicos en el tejido óseo y que la PGE₂ estimula la síntesis del calcitriol in vitro, pero...
BACKGROUND: With basis on the World Health Organization (WHO) report, the prevalence of hypertension (HT) is of 900 million patients in the world. Mexico contributes with 15.2 million. The treatment of HT is useful to prevent the acute and chronic complications and to reduce mortality. Calyx of the plant species...
The type-2 Diabetes mellitus patients display a marked reduction in their life expectancy ranging from 5 to 10 years, as well as a strong tendency towards developing microvascular (neuropathy), macrovascular (myocardial infarction) complications and erectile dysfunction; that induces a reduction of the quality of life of these subjects and an...
In Mexico the DM constitutes one of the most important problems of public health. The pharmacological treatment of the DM is perfomed by administration of oral hypoglycemic agents (sulphonylureas, biguanides, inhibitors of Į±glucosidases and thiazolidinediones) and/or insulin. However, these medicines have not been sufficient to achieve a suitable control of...
La exposición a xenobióticos, como los plaguicidas, puede ser una causa importante de disfunción reproductiva en humanos y animales. La atrazina y el fenoxaprop-etil, dos herbicidas de amplio uso, y el malatión y el diazinón, dos insecticidas organofosforados, se consideran sólo como ligeramente tóxicos par los animales, pero existen evidencias...
Numerosos compuestos naturales que poseen propiedades quimiopreventivas o quimioprotectoras son de importancia vital en el manejo de patologías con un componente inflamatorio. Dichas propiedades suelen atribuirse a su actividad antioxidante o antiinflamatoria. La glicina posee actividad quimioprotectora debido a que reduce eficazmente los niveles séricos de citocinas proinflamatorias y aumenta...