Lactobacillus casei was entrapped in beads made with sodium alginate (A), amidated low-methoxyl pectin (P), and blends of A-P (1:2, 1:4, 1:6 ratios) by the extrusion technique. Diameter, sphericity and textural properties of the beads and the survivability of entrapped Lb. casei during yoghurt storage and in simulated gastrointestinal conditions...
The incidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected people has drastically increased over the last few decades, and has motivated the search for new drugs and drug production methods. Calophyllum brasiliense (Cambes) is a rain forest tree that produces calanolides, secondary metabolites that are active against human immunodeficiency virus...
At the moment there exists a great demand worldwide for products that are not only elaborated by its nutritional or cosmetic properties but with the purpose of to improve the health and to prevent some illnesses, for it are added compound biologically active as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, flavonoids, among...
A partir de explantes de embriones cigóticos y megagametofitos fueron inducidos cultivos organogénicos de Dioon merolae De Luca Sabato & Vázquez Torres, del estado de Chiapas (México) cícada en peligro de extinción. El medio de inducción Litz consistió en los macronutrientes del medio B5, los micronutrientes del medio MS (1962)...
Magnolia grandiflora, es un árbol perenne que se encuentra ampliamente distribuido desde el Sureste de Estados Unidos hasta el Sur de Venezuela. Esta especie ha sido utilizada con múltiples finalidades, desde su uso como árbol ornamental, hasta el aprovechamiento como recurso maderable y fuente de compuestos con propiedades farmacológicas, por...