This study shows the analyses of the mitochondrial regions: control region [D-Loop], the cytochrome b gene and the ARNr 16S gene in the rodents Cynomys mexicanus and Spermophilus spilosoma, with the aim to determine their relevance for studies of genetic variation and phylogenetic inferences. The methodological strategy included, sequencing analysis,...
In the present study is determined and analyzed the community structure of bats presents in the cave "El Salitre", located to 3 km in south of Los Ortices, Colima state. The vegetation consisting in relicts of tropical dry forest and the climate is warmsubhumid, with rain season from June to...
Along 10 months (October 2013-July 2014) the stomach content of 59 Peromyscus difficilis specimens was examined. Samples were collected in an Oyamel and broadleaved trees forest called “Paraje San Borja” which is part of Mexico City’s National Park "Desierto de los Leones" (PNDL). The sampling allowed evaluating three pluvial seasons...
Se analiza la distribución ecológica de dos ratones silvestres del Género Peromyscus (micromamíferos) en un cuadrante de 55x45 m dentro de un bosque templado de coníferas y latifoliadas en el Parque Nacional Desierto de los Leones (PNDL). El cuadrante quedó integrado por 120 estaciones de muestreo con un área de...
Despite the vast amount of information available on the effects of gonadal hormones on the regulation of reproductive behavior, especially in rodents, and the many studies that have been designed to assess the levels of Testosterone in plasma and correlate them with various reproductive processes, no studies have yet attempted...
Presentamos en este trabajo el análisis de la estabilidad (persistencia) de las comunidades vegetales del valle semiárido de Zapotitlán, Puebla, después de un periodo de 23 años (1980 – 2003). En 2003 se realizaron muestreos de la vegetación perenne en 27 sitios dentro de la subcuenca de Zapotitlán que habían...
La estructura y la composición de la vegetación influyen directamente en la búsqueda de alimento, la reproducción, el establecimiento de territorios y las interacciones intra e interespecíficas de las aves. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron las conductas agonista, reproductiva y de alimentación de Pyrocephalus rubinus y Tyrannus vociferans en...
The choice of partners by females is not only reduced to the evaluation of the secondary sexual characteristics of a potential partner, there are other equally important factors, such as the formation of friendly relationships. "Friendship" relationships are defined as the close association between two unrelated members of a group,...
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus (Lem.) K. Schum., is a threatened and endemic species of Mexico. Features life story of Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus are presented from a demographic and reproductive view this work. In the population Barrio Don Lucas, the population density was 0.03 ind/m² , while the density in the study plots was...
Una de las principales causas de la disminución, erradicación y extinción de poblaciones del Lobo gris en su hábitat natural, ha sido el conflicto que existe entre el hombre y el lobo. En México, los intentos para llevar a cabo una reintroducción del Lobo mexicano se ha venido gestionando con...