Cecropia obtusifolia is used all over México for type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) control. The hypoglycemic effect of different extracts obtained from this species has been reported in healthy and alloxan treated animals and it is not insulin like. Such biological activity has been attributed to flavonoid compounds, chlorogenic acid...
This work was designed to study an alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus by using a transplant of hybrid cells obtained by the electrofusion of pancreatic islet cells from a healthy donor with dermic cells from a diabetic recipient. The hybrid cells could keep the capacity of insulin production, its regulation,...
In Mexico as well as in other developing countries, cancer is the second leading cause of death among the human population. The most frequent cancers worldwide are lung (12.3%), breast (10.4%) and stomach (8.7%). In term of the prevalence, the most common cancers are breast (17.2%), colorectal cancers (10.6%) and...
High fructose intake through sugar-sweetened beverages induces metabolic and endocrine changes in adipose tissue (AT). It has been suggested that microRNAs (miRNAs) contained in extracellular vesicles (EVs) are some of the endocrine signals secreted by adipocytes, which can regulate diverse cellular processes, including adipocyte differentiation and metabolism. However, the effect...
Obesity is a growing public health problem globally and nationally. Currently the World Health Organization (WHO) has pointed to obesity as the epidemic of the century. This problem has been classified as a disease that causes accumulation of energy in the form of triglycerides (TG) in body adipose tissue (AT)....
Introducción La diabetes mellitus tiene como característica principal un estado sostenido de hiperglucemia, resultante de una deficiente secreción de insulina por parte de las células β-pancreáticas, resistencia a su acción en tejidos diana, o ambas. Se trata de un padecimiento complejo que involucra diversas alteraciones metabólicas. Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché es...
Aunque la proteína ABCA1 (por sus siglas en inglés ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) es conocida por su función en el eflujo de colesterol y la formación de lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL), se expresa en una gran variedad de tejidos donde podría tener diferentes funciones. Puesto que la hipoα-lipoproteinemia (niveles...
The mechanism by which hyperglycemia induces pancreatic β cell apoptosis is not completely understood. However, it is known that chronic states of hyperglycemia promote a state of oxidative stress that activates the p53 protein which participates in cell survival. The aim of this study was to find whether oxidative stress...
La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) es un trastorno metabólico crónico caracterizado por hiperglucemia sostenida asociada con resistencia a la insulina (RI) y ausencia en la producción de insulina. La RI afecta a diferentes órganos, incluyendo al músculo esquelético y al hígado, lo cual contribuye a las alteraciones del metabolismo...
El daño al páncreas es cada vez más frecuente en México, siendo el consumo de alcohol y la colelitiasis las causas más frecuentes; sin embargo, se sabe también de tener efecto directo el tabaquismo, la obesidad, entre otras causas. La pancreatitis es la principal manifestación de la afectación del órgano,...